
objects #

Responses of the Blicker reading endpoint are structured hierarchically. General information about the request and response are returned on the top-level. The most important information in the response though is contained in the objects. This will contain the meter object, containing general information about the meter. The meter object, in turn, also holds display, serialNumber, barcode, datamatrix and qrCode objects. The datamatrix and qrCode objects are only available in API version 2024-03-01 which is currently in beta.

Example response #

The following example shows the general structure. In this case the Blicker API has found two displays, one serial number, and no barcode objects.

    "objects": [
            "meter": {
                "objects": {
                    "display": [
                    "serialNumber": [
                    "barcode": []

Example response API version 2024-03-01 #

The following example shows the general structure. In this case the Blicker API has found two displays, one serial number, and no barcode objects.

    "objects": [
            "meter": {
                "objects": {
                    "display": [
                    "serialNumber": [
                    "barcode": [],
                    "datamatrix": [],
                    "qrCode": []