
valueBeforeCorrection #

All display, display reading, serial number, barcode, datamatrix, QR-code, OBIS-code and display unit objects contain a valueBeforeCorrection field, besides the value field. This represents the original value that was read, before any expected values were used to make corrections to it.

Currently, the ranges request parameter is the only possible cause for corrections. If no correction is applied at all, valueBeforeCorrection will be equal to the value.

Version info
This response field has been added in the the 2020-10-01 release.

Example response #

In the following example, only the second display has been corrected by expected ranges.

    "objects": [
            "meter": {
                "objects": {
                    "display": [
                            "value": "14233.48",
                            "valueBeforeCorrection": "14233.48"
                            "value": "1203934",
                            "valueBeforeCorrection": "12039.34"
                    "serialNumber": [
                            "value": "AC422808",
                            "valueBeforeCorrection": "AC422808"
                    "barcode": []

Example response from API version 2024-03-01 #

In the following example, only the second display has been corrected by expected ranges.

    "objects": [
            "meter": {
                "objects": {
                    "display": [
                            "value": "14233.48",
                            "valueBeforeCorrection": "14233.48"
                            "value": "1203934",
                            "valueBeforeCorrection": "12039.34"
                    "serialNumber": [
                            "value": "AC422808",
                            "valueBeforeCorrection": "AC422808"
                    "barcode": [],
                    "datamatrix": [],
                    "qrCode": []

Example response from API version 2025-01-01 #

In the following example, only the second display has been corrected by expected ranges.

    "objects": [
            "meter": {
                "objects": {
                    "displayReading": [
                            "value": "14233.48",
                            "valueBeforeCorrection": "14233.48",
                            "objects": {
                                "obisCode": [],
                                "displayUnit": []
                            "value": "1203934",
                            "valueBeforeCorrection": "12039.34",
                            "objects": {
                                "obisCode": [],
                                "displayUnit": []
                    "serialNumber": [
                            "value": "AC422808",
                            "valueBeforeCorrection": "AC422808"
                    "barcode": [],
                    "datamatrix": [],
                    "qrCode": []